Consultancy at National Salinity Research Center, Iran (2000, 2002).
i.Indian Research Team Leader of European Union funded research on improving water use efficiencies in Yellow River Basin in China.
ii.Resource Person in 2nd International Workshop on Integrated Soil Management for Sustainable Use of Salt-affected Soils, organized at BSWM, SRDC Quezon City Philippines, July 26-30, 1999 under the auspices of AGL, FAO, Rome.
iii.Expert Consultation during the Asian Network on Problem Soils. FAO, RAPA, Bangkok, Nov. 4-7, 1997.
iv.Expert Informal Technical Consultation on Salinity Control and Drainage, FAO, Rome, Feb.8-9, 1996.
v.Expert Consultation on Environmental Issues of Land and Water Resources Development, RAPA, FAO, Bangkok, 10-13 Sept., 1991.
vi.Expert member of Indo-Dutch Mission on North-West India Drainage Water Disposal Project, 1994.
Dr. N.K. Tyagi
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
Pusa Campus
New Delhi 110012
Mobile No. 91- 9818911253